Membership in the Medieval Dress and Textile Society

MEDATS is a forum for anyone interested in, or curious about, European clothing and textiles from the end of the Roman Empire in western Europe until the Early Modern Period. Annual subscriptions run from 1st January – 31st December. New members joining in October, November or December will have their membership automatically extended through 31 December of the following year; all other renewals are due on 1 January. 

Member Benefits

Members may:

  • stand for office within the Society
  • vote in meetings and elections
  • attend some events free of charge
  • receive a discount on early bird registration for paid events
  • receive an electronic copy of the newsletter
  • receive email announcements

The newsletter is produced twice a year and is distributed electronically as a PDF file to members with an email address. Please have a look at our events page for details about upcoming and past meetings.

Membership Fees

Member fees are payable by PayPal, cheque, or bank transfer

  • Individuals – £15
  • Households – £20 (2 members with full rights and privileges)
  • Students – £10 (email proof of student status to
  • Institutions – £30

Register and Pay

After you complete the member registration form follow the link to payment options to complete your purchase.